IE, does the spell go off when you click or when you release the button after clicking. Here you can set your reaction for mouse-up this is what I use or mouse-down. The next options down let you select more options.

Most of your spells are probably the same range anyway so do whatever works for you. You can either set a yard range at the top, or put in a spell. Screens are more precise refinements of a category and are down the right hand side. Tabs are very general categories and run along the bottom. Vuhdo navigation is always by tab and screen. Click all the Xs, say yes to the dialog box, and get an empty screen.Ī small set will get you a lot of functionality and you can play around more later. Spare the poor man some cycles and check if anyone else has asked the same thing first, though! This guide is designed for someone who already knows why they want raid frames. He always has updated ready before major content patches, saving us lots of time and frustration. First off, what is Vuhdo? Vuhdo is developed by addon developer Iza, who responds to questions at a forum on PlusHeal.